Why Your Business Needs a Website Redesign: A Guide to Better Conversion Rates


Why Your Business Needs a Website Redesign: A Guide to Better Conversion Rates

Most of the time, your site is the first – and sometimes the only place a potential client finds out about your business. This indicates that it can significantly influence prospects’ perceptions of your products and services and their likelihood of becoming a lead.

However, most modern marketers know how significant their organisation’s web presence is today; many hold on to roll out significant improvements given budget restrictions or time limitations, bringing about many lost chances to drive conversions. It’s time to think about redesigning your website yourself or seek the assistance of a Web design company India if your existing site isn’t bringing in a lot of sales-qualified leads.

Poor copy, design, quality, or user experience are typically the causes of poor websites. The current day clients are doing more research and are tech-savvier than at any other time. They are more likely to exit your website if they believe something is wrong with it or if it does not cater to their interests.

Elements to Consider While Redesigning Website To Bring Better Conversion Rates

  • Site Speed/Page Loading Speed

Slow page loading speed can straightforwardly affect revenue. People usually don’t like to wait, but this is especially bad in the digital world. Your website page shouldn’t require over 2 seconds to load; 47% of users expect that. In addition, you risk losing 33% of your potential customers if your website loads in more than 7 seconds. Finding out what causes your website to load slowly by checking the speed of its pages is crucial, and eliminating this issue would positively affect your engagement rates and, eventually, conversions.

  • Responsiveness

Did you know that in 2019, almost 80% of users made online smartphone purchases? Make sure that your website meets the needs of today’s customers when you redesign it. Most importantly, Google’s mobile-first indexing initiative was announced in 2018. Google will prioritise an AMP page when AMP and Non-AMP pages are given together, even though this will not affect ranking. Thus, consider this tip as a crucial one while redesigning your site.

  • Optimization of Website (CRO)

You might know about website optimization, and you might have been following it, also. However, including conversion rate optimization as an additional optimization is better.

According to MOZ, conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the systematic process of converting website visitors into potential customers. It does this by recognizing each customer’s actions while they are on your website. It can help you understand how customers use your websites, such as how they navigate the site, what they do, and what prevents them from exploring it and reaching goals.

  • Never Forget SEO

Neglecting SEO will cost you millions of dollars. Content is king, as everyone says, and this is also true. However, it’s enough. If your content isn’t optimised, how will it reach your readers, clients, listeners, audiences, or spectators? Good content may attract users. So, your content must be optimised for your readers and search engine browsers.

A marketer hardly doesn’t employ SEO practices to increase their online presence and organic traffic. You might want to consider including Robot Meta tags because these tags tell search engines how to present content in the search results. Don’t stress. Users cannot see the Robot meta tags, so they do not affect search engines.

  • Split-Screen Content

The trend of redesigning websites with split-screen content is very user-friendly. It assists clients with finding the data they are searching for significantly quicker. Furthermore, why not keep things simple if you want to convey multiple ideas? Splitting screen content on your website allows customers to use your services and products effectively.

The split-screen configuration is constantly developing and advancing. Individuals tend to love this design, and incorporating this look will give your site an edge over those without split-screen content.

  • CTA Buttons

Web pages that generate leads possess easy-to-see calls to action that make it super easy for potential customers to take action, such as allowing them to go to a demo or contact page. Visitors to your website will probably take an exit and only convert if you are clear about what you want them to do. Consult a Web design company India to place the CTA buttons on the appropriate locations of your website or pages to witness effective results.

  • Powerful & Compelling Content

Quality content assists with drawing in the right crowd to your site, connecting with them, and working towards getting the client to take action on your site. If the client sees the content as valuable, they are bound to share it. Content that is optimised and engaging should always be added to websites. Making creative copies that urge clients to explore sites and eventually download resources, become subscribers, and finish up forms. This process makes you gain more conversions.

Bottom Line

A redesign is the beneficial next step that will help boost your brand reputation and elevate your business to the peak if your website isn’t meeting any of the goals you listed or isn’t working as well as you had expected it to.

A website redesign can take time and be difficult, but don’t think you are alone. You can do a great job by shaking hands with an experienced Web design company India such as Mega Web Design, to improve your lead generation strategy. But don’t escape the much-needed website redesign just for the sake of challenges.

Source link:https://mybuzzworthy.com/why-your-business-needs-a-website-redesign-a-guide-to-better-conversion-rates/


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