How to Make Your Website Design Accessible for All Users Online?

 The importance of web design has grown tremendously in today’s fast-paced life. With many top website design India companies, getting quality websites at affordable costs has become more accessible. However, suppose you’re looking forward to hiring these services. In that case, it is essential that you are aware of web design accessibility requirements so that your website reaches the maximum number of people across the globe, regardless of their disabilities. Here we are sharing easy-to-follow tips on how to make your website design accessible and usable to everyone, irrespective of their disabilities or online habits! And what we can do to make your website designs accessible to all users online.

What Is the Definition of Website Accessibility?

Website accessibility is making your website functional, accessible and usable by all users. This includes people with disabilities, such as visual impairment or hearing loss, as well as the elderly and children. Website accessibility ensures that content is available to people using different devices, browsers and assistive technologies like screen readers. Website accessibility requires a creative web design approach that covers how things look and how they sound, feel and behave in response to user interaction. We at Matebiz, the Website design India company, can help you with this aspect by providing websites with an intuitive navigation system which can be navigated easily by blind users.

How to Test the Accessibility of Your Website?

One of the essential aspects of creative web design is that it is accessible. The best way to test the accessibility of your website is by using a screen reader on a computer and going through all the different pages. If this seems too much work, we can do it for you as we are a website design India company. Another quick way is using an online tool such as WebAIM’s Website Accessibility Checklist. This checklist will point out any errors in your website design that would prevent someone with a disability from accessing it. Some of these errors include images without alt text, buttons that do not have alternative text and links without titles. You can also use W3C’s Web Accessibility Checker, which scans a page and tells you what needs to be fixed.

Web Design Accessibility Guidelines

The web is a place where you can find anything you want, anytime. But are all users able to access the information and content on your website? If not, it’s time for you to take a few simple steps so that everyone can enjoy your site. 

Ensure Your Text Is Readable.

It’s a common misconception that accessibility is only essential for physical disabilities. In reality, many different types of disabilities can affect how one accesses a website. For example, some people may have difficulty reading text on a website because they don’t have perfect vision or are colour-blind. Others might be unable to use a mouse and rely on assistive technologies like screen readers to do specific tasks such as filling out forms or navigating through pages. This is where creative web design accessibility becomes vital in ensuring all users can easily access the content of your website.

Our website designers use creative web design techniques and follow best practices when designing your site.

Optimize Images for Better Views and Read.

One of the most important things you can do is optimize your images. We can do this by using tools like compress jpeg, which shrinks the size of an image without degrading quality. An alternative is to use PNG format if you don’t need transparency. The second step is ensuring that your website design India follows web standards by providing a text equivalent of any non-text content on a page and making sure that text equivalents are also easy to find on your website. Lastly, it’s essential that you provide keyboard navigation and that all links have descriptive labels and are not reliant on colour alone.

Provide More Ways for Your Viewers to Comprehend Videos.

An accessible website is not just one that meets web accessibility requirements. It also has a design that is easy to navigate and understand. An inaccessible website may be full of text and graphics that are hard to read, or it could have images on the site that are not alt-text compatible, making them useless for screen reader users. You can hire us as your website design India company to design your website with accessibility in mind.

Make Your Website User-Friendly with A Mouse and Keyboard.

A mouse and keyboard are the most common ways of interacting with a website. Many people use the mouse and keyboard combination to access the internet. These input devices can be used to navigate the page, click on links and scroll up or down. A website must be designed to be guided easily by these two devices. 

However, some individuals may not be able to use these devices. If you have a website and you want it accessible for all users online, then you need to consider making your site user-friendly with a mouse and keyboard. Here are some helpful tips on how you can do this:

– Provide arrow keys so users can quickly scroll through web pages or click on links. 


– Don’t require site visitors to tab through an entire page to find what they’re looking for 

– Use larger text size and contrast colours, so it is easier for individuals with visual impairments such as colour blindness to read your site content.

Make Your Site’s Navigation Simple to Follow.

The creative web design accessibility guidelines recommend that you use tabs or drop-down menus instead of a single long list of links. This makes it easier for visitors using screen readers and other assistive technologies to find what they are looking for. It also helps visitors who need larger text and those who have slower connections or less powerful computers. 

As an additional measure, every page should provide a link back to the site’s home page in the upper left-hand corner and a footer at the bottom of each page.


Matebiz is the best website design India company that offers a wide range of web design services. We have been working with SEO and website developers to provide the best customer experience possible. We can help you achieve your goals by providing top-quality, affordable, accessible creative web design services. If you are looking for a reliable website design India company, we are here for you! Contact us today to find out more about how we can work together!

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