User Interface Elements Every Designer Should Know

 A thoughtfully designed user interface (UI) makes or breaks how usable and intuitive a website or app is for visitors. Mastering key UI elements is essential for designers to create experiences that facilitate user engagement and conversion goals.

This guide covers 10 foundational UI components that every designer, whether just starting or experienced, should have in their toolkit:


Buttons allow users to select options, submit forms, add items to a cart, and more. Variations include text, icons, floating action, and toggles. Best practices include clear labeling, consistent sizes, and placing primary action buttons in eye-catching positions.

Text Fields

Text fields let users enter information like names, emails, messages, keywords, and other text-based input. Design them to indicate required versus optional fields and only request essential info to avoid clutter: field length limits, input types, and validation feedback aid completion.

Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

Checkboxes allow users to select multiple options from a group, while radio buttons limit the selection to just one option. Their small tap targets need padding for fingertips on mobile. Groups should be visually distinguished and vertically stacked for scanning.

Dropdown Menus

Dropdown menus compactly house options users can select from lists. Consider single versus multi-select, searchability, and nested submenus. Make sure options are scannable and follow a logical order. Indicate invalid selections.

Date and Time Pickers

Date pickers enable selecting dates from a visible calendar rather than typing. Time pickers work the same for choosing times. Settings like date range limits, default presets, and date format localization improve usability.

Toggles and Switches

These compact UI elements allow users to turn options like settings or preferences on or off. The toggle position indicates the on/off state. Pick the slide or tap activation method. Offer clear labeling and feedback on state changes.

Tooltips and Popovers

Tooltips provide contextual help or instructions when users hover or tap interface elements. Popovers display more in-depth content triggered by clicks or taps. They should not impede tasks or be overused.

Loaders and Progress Bars

These animated graphics provide visual feedback when users wait for processes to complete, like file uploads or form submissions. Convey meaning with messages and progress percentages.

Notifications and Alerts

Notify users of crucial status updates like successes, errors, or warnings with notifications that slide in and out of view. Alert popups also grab attention for must-read information before continuing.


Pagination divides long content lists or data into pages with previous/following links or page numbers. Allow customizing results per page. Indicate the current page. Paginate responsively for mobile.

Thoughtfully combining elements creates seamless, intuitive UIs. Experienced website design companies like Matebiz adeptly utilize essential components to craft experiences that ease usability pains and aid conversion. With a sharpened grasp of core UI building blocks, designers can bring improved accessibility and delight to their creations.

Additional UI Elements for Advanced Interfaces

Once designers have mastered the basics, they can level up their skills with these advanced UI elements:


Chips compactly represent information like categories, tags, or selections identifiable by keywords. Allow removing or adding chips for multi-selection. Limit length to maintain scannability.


For numerically adjustable settings, sliders enable selecting values by dragging along a horizontal bar. Show precise values assigned and available range. Consider enabling direct typing input too.


Display associated content grouped under tabbed navigation. It’s more compact than full menus. Underline the current tab and indicate relationships between charges.


Accordions house related chunks of content that can be expanded and collapsed for scanning, like FAQs. Use to segment long forms. Indicate interaction and open/closed state.

Modals and Overlays

Overlay semi-transparent screens on existing content to focus user attention on critical messages or prompts to complete actions like a newsletter signup. Avoid overusing disruptive models.

Data Visualizations

Charts, graphs, and data visuals help users quickly parse and gain insights from data presented in reports or dashboards. Tailor visuals to content and audience. Focus on crucial info.

Experimenting with more complex UI elements allows designers to build dynamic, conversion-focused interfaces. But continually optimize for usability – avoid unnecessary bells and whistles that distract more than engage.

With research and practice, designers can continue expanding their UI mastery. For those seeking additional guidance, the design experts at website development companies like Matebiz offer mentoring on elevating interface skills.

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